Spelunking @ Calinawan Cave

Everybody loves going on nature trips, but they can get harsh. Think of any nature experience: hiking, swimming, bunjee jumping, boating, they all have this one common "grim" denominator: – sun exposure. Call me delicate if you will but I do take caution seriously when it comes to risks on getting skin cancer, or even simple sun burn. Also, it’s just one day of swimming, but why would it have to take half of the year before I get my color back! People who don’t get dark as easily as I do could be so lucky, because whether you admit it or not, lighter skin DOES make a difference in this country. Plus it really sucks picking off skin scabs and getting a burned nose all week. Which is why I have been so happy to share an experience I had with nature where I had an unimaginable total fun but without the macabre sun exposure. I am talking about - spelunking! Unlike most other nature trips, visiting caves gives you the least, or even up to zero exposure to the ...