Pups & Cups Dog Cafe

Ever since I had Sherlock, my Balinese tomcat, I have fully convinced myself that I am a cat person. However, after visiting this dog cafe in Las Pinas recently, I seem to have rekindled my love for dogs. Must I choose which one gives the better furry feel?

It was a Sunday afternoon in May, the day which Jancee and I chose to visit Pups and Cups Dog Cafe in Las Pinas. We used public transport so it took about an hour of bus ride from the Alabang South Station to the University of Perpetual Help System in Dalta, Las Pinas and a swift tricycle ride to Pups and Cups.

We were hungry by the time we arrived and their food and drinks selection seemed interesting, but after just one look at the doggies we could not just waste any more time. So, after paying for the entrance fee and consuming the free drinks that came with it, we jumped right into the furry pit.

(But for your benefit, dear reader, here are the photos I took of their menu.)

Oh well, yes, before that, we were stopped by the staff at the door for us to change into the flip flops they provided; they also gave us alcohol to douse ourselves (our hands) with, and asked us to turn the flash off our cameras, all for hygiene purposes and safety for them doggies.

Different breeds of fluffiness welcomed us. There were corgis, pomeranians, shih tzus, a maltese, a toy poodle, a dachshund, a Siberian husky, and a Golden retriever.

We were lucky to have arrived at the right time because the dogs just finished having their afternoon slumber and were all charged with energy to play with us.

As usual, any animal which comes near Jancee is charmed by him. I just turned around for a second and when I looked back, these doggies were kissing and licking his face and hands. It was the cutest thing. Not at all, panic- or jealousy-inducing, really.

This shih tzu almost never left our side, except when it was time for treats, or picture-taking. He was such a good host to us visitors.

Speaking of picture-taking, it was amazing to see how the dogs were really pumped up whenever the cafe staff call for pictures. They all rush up to the bench, even trampling each other for space to sit on, it was so hilarious and captivating.

My favorites were the pomeranians Candy and Simba, who were both literal balls of fur and who were also both the biggest balls of energy, especially Simba. He was like a space rocket zooming in and out of our view, never staying too long on one place, always on the go.

Doggie superstar of the afternoon was Casper, who came out to the playing area a while after all the other dogs. They have shifting schedules for the dogs for play and rest, you see. Casper put everyone on trance on his handsomeness. He was also the biggest dog in the cafe that we met that day. Moreover, Casper was the most professional when it comes to photo ops. Look at his stature on this pic and see for yourself.

For pet lovers like myself, Pups and Cups is truly heaven on earth, only with angels with their furry wings. The hardest part of the day was leaving, and we just could not jump up fast enough to the next time we will be here.

Well then, back to my earlier predicament: Who said I ever have to choose between pups and kitties, when it's totally great to hang out with both? I had a hoot with these doggies, today. Sherlock doesn't have to know. :)


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